3 Reasons You Need A Charging Station

Pop quiz: where is your phone right now? How much battery life does it have left?

We literally live on our devices these days. I know that nearly everything I do, from work to communicating with friends, happens on a screen.

We depend so heavily on our devices, and yet they cause us so much trouble. We’re constantly looking for our headphones or untangling a cord so we can quickly give our dying battery a little hit of juice. The time and effort and small frustration of managing our devices really adds up.

My best recommendation for keeping your electronic devices organized and charged is a charging station. A charging station is a place you can both plug in and store all your devices, and it works best when you pair it with the habit of putting all your devices there as soon as you’re done using them.

When used this way, a charging station can change your life in three key ways.

1) Never lose a device

A charging station is just an organizing system specifically designed for electronic devices: a way of storing like objects together that gives your brain an easy shortcut to always know where to find them. When you designate a specific place for devices, and build a habit of always putting your devices there when you’re finished with them, you virtually eliminate the possibility of misplacing them.

2) Cut cords

Charging cords are such a pain. We all have a seemingly infinite supply… until we really need one, and suddenly we can only find the one with the last generation device’s plug! The good news is that most charging stations work by leaving the cords in place, and just plugging in the devices. And now that many of our devices charge wirelessly, you can just plug in your charging station with a single cord and eliminate the plugging/unplugging process. You’ll never need to hunt for a cord again - and you can even get rid of a lot of the tangle of cord spaghetti taking up space in a drawer!

3) Reduce device dependence

We all know that we spend too much time mindlessly scrolling on screens. Pretty much everyone I talk to says that they want to spend less time with devices and more time with people and activities. And yet, we all still walk around with our noses in our phones! 

It’s much easier to adopt a new habit or routine when the physical environment supports that decision. When you use a charging station, instead of just pulling something out of your pocket, you literally have to get up and go to a different place to retrieve your device. By making it just that little bit harder to get to a screen, a charging station forces you to decide if you really want to do that now - or if you want to take a breather from screen time.


I’ve been using a charging station for almost 5 years now, and I swear by it. I keep it on the desk in my office, since the lion’s share of my screen time is work related. It really helps me create a physical and mental separation between work time and downtime - and it’s been really helpful for maintaining the rule my husband and I set for ourselves: no phones in the bedroom! It’s so much easier to keep a consistent bedtime routine and get quality sleep when I’m not staying up scrolling my phone.

If you’d like to create a system for storing, charging, and setting boundaries with your electronic devices, I can help!

Book an organizing consultation with me today, and let’s talk about how to get you organized.



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