Home Organizing Services

Two Ways to Get Organized With LMW Edits:

One Unified Approach

The hallmark of LMW Edits is common sense organizing solutions for modern urban living. Our team helps clients deal with the cramped spaces, slammed schedules, and logistical quagmires that come with city living so they can focus their time and energy on the relationships and passion projects that matter most.

LMW Edits believe that everyone deserves an organized space, and so our team delivers our specialized service in two different ways. Pick the method that works for you - or mix and match to accommodate your budget and schedule!

Personal Organizing

Personal organizing is what you see on TV: full service professional organizing done hands-on in your home by a professional organizer, with every detail taken care of.

Virtual Organizing

Virtual organizing is a wonderful solution for busy professionals and their families: short appointments via video to guide you through the organizing process.