Every Couple Struggles With Organizing: Couple Struggles Part 1

A couple steals a kiss behind a cowboy hat on a sunny summer day

There is a fundamental truth I have learned: if there is a couple that exists, one person will be more organized than the other, and this discrepancy will cause strife.

I’ve lived this conflict in my own relationship! I’m sure you can guess who the more organized person in our household might be… and it used to drive me crazy that it seemed like my husband was either blind to clutter or just didn’t care that he was living in the middle of a disorganized whirlwind. 

Notice that I said “seemed.” Because how we perceive things in our own heads is very rarely the same as the way other people see them! What to me looked like disorganized chaos looked extremely unremarkable to my husband, and he was completely confused as to why I was so upset by something as simple as stuff.

If you’re curious about our personal story, I talked about it here, way back in 2016!

So, given the fact that I am, well, me, you might assume that I always side with the more organized partner when I’m working on organizing a space with a couple. You would be wrong! I treat each client with the same respect and trust and I take that responsibility very seriously. This is just as relevant across projects as it is across household members within the same project.

So, for the next couple weeks, we’re going to take a deep dive into the various delightful flavors and variations of organizing imbalance in couples, the kind of trouble it can cause, and some strategies to help you re-balance the concept of home organizing in your own relationship.

  • Part 2: Who’s Really “The Organized One?”

  • Part 3: How to Get Your Reluctant Partner On Board With Organizing

  • Part 4: What to Do When Your Partner Wants To “Just Get Rid of It!”

  • Part 5: 4 Powerful Strategies for Getting Organized As a Couple

Everything in this series is based on my professional expertise and my experience of organizing homes for couples since 2014. I’m not a counselor or therapist, I’m just sharing what I’ve seen in my work in hopes that it might help you!

If you spot yourself in any of these situations, I can help you and your partner get organized. Just schedule your consultation here to get started!



How to Organize A Closet When You Have Multiple Clothing Sizes


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