Principles of Organizing: The Blog Series

I’ve been asked a lot about how my organizing process works and how I guide my clients through it. And it occurred to me that I never actually wrote it out here! So I’m going to take the opportunity to dive deep with you all on the basic organizing principles behind every single organizing project I do.

Spoiler alert: it’s not rocket science!

Neatly folded sheets and towels in organized linen closet

I don’t have knowledge that’s impossible for you to acquire. You don’t have to spend years learning all about how organizing works before being able to apply it. 

But what I do have is the hands on experience of taking the organizing principles I live by and applying them to all kinds of different contexts, from a single guy’s home office to a busy family’s pantry to a stylish woman’s closet. And as a result, I am here to tell you that no matter who you are, these principles are true and they can help you!

There’s just one more thing about this not being rocket science… it’s kinda like eating healthy, or working out. You already pretty much know what you should be doing, but it’s hard to kick old habits and jump start new ones!

That’s why there are people like nutritionists, fitness trainers, and yes, professional organizers. We can use our knowledge and expertise to guide you along the path you really want to be traveling, and enable you to take control of areas of your life where you previously felt helpless.

So grab a cup of coffee and settle in for this multi-part series on the basic principles of organizing and how you can apply them in your own home.

If you ever have any questions, please reach out - either in the comments, or to me directly. And if you’re searching for more detail, including specific instructions for families and troubleshooting tips for common organizing struggles, check out my e-book The LMW Edits Method.

Thanks for nerding out on organizing concepts with me!



The Vision: Principles of Organizing Part 1


Multiple Approaches to Organizing a Linen Closet