Even a Professional Organizer Sometimes Overpacks

My husband and I were extremely fortunate to be able to get away to the Caribbean for the first two weeks of January with my parents.  We took a great Windstar cruise out of San Juan, Puerto Rico with stops throughout the northern part of the region, and then spent a few days at the St. Regis Bahia Beach.  We came back relaxed, refreshed, ready to take on 2016… and not even a little bit sunburned!  And of course, I overpacked.  Sigh. 

I always fully unpacking when I’m staying in a hotel!

I always fully unpacking when I’m staying in a hotel!

Point for my packing: I did manage to fit everything into my rolling carry on.  My parents always travel in roll-aboard suitcases, even for multi-week trips to cold climates, and they (rightfully) shamed me into reducing so that they wouldn’t have to wait for me at baggage claim.

Point against my packing: this was accomplished largely because I filled my large Goyard tote to the brim.  Lugging that sucker through airports was no joke.

I think I had two downfalls when packing this trip.  First: I knew we would only have to unpack and repack twice in a two week trip, once on the boat and once at the hotel, so I wasn’t overly worried about getting into multiple fights with an overstuffed suitcase.  Second: I must confess that I am a rather sweaty individual, and I’m always concerned when I travel to warm places that I have enough clothes to be able to switch out so that I look fresh. 

But here’s the thing… I still didn’t wear every piece! And I’m even further ashamed to admit that laundry on cruises is cheap if not free, and that makes a small packing list even easier. As it was, I had to actually work to wear every piece I brought with me so that I wouldn’t feel so guilty for overpacking!

All this to say that even though I’m a professional organizer, I’m still a work in progress in many respects, especially when it comes to packing!



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